Friday, August 3, 2018

Too much fabric! 08-02-18

It is possible to have too much fabric!  I have a huge fabric library collected over about 50 years of sewing.  The vast majority are cotton prints for quilts.  Although I still have a cupboard full of rayon, silk, linen, and cotton fabric from waaaay back when I made clothing.  The library has crept into almost every room in the house.  I know there are others out there who have the same experience.  I haven't been making quilts for about 18 months due to ....well, a number of conditions.  And now that I have started one project the problem is that I can't find the right fabric.  I stopped sorting for storage about three years ago, so everything I have purchased is all mixed together in no order, other than the time span when it was purchased.  But, since I can't remember when I purchased it, I can't find it.  Woe is I!

The reason I am telling you this is a warning to not let it happen to you!   Here is a selection from pictures in my photo files of different fabric buying experiences - only seven of many.   

From what I can see here and remember, I believe I have used parts of six of these fabrics.  I guess I am a fabric collector rather than a quilt maker.  

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Mary Ann said...

Someone told me I wasn't a quilter because I didn't have enough fabric! I told her she was right, I was an artist not a quilter. I have fabric and I have sorted by pattern, stripes, dots, plaids, etc. and then by color but lately the flower collection is growing like weeds. And sometimes the quilts talk to me and demand I buy new fabric. Evil quilts!

Diane said...

I am in the same situation you are, and I actually planned to accumulate fabric this way. I've been collecting for 40 years, and like every single piece and scrap of fabric I own. My collection has taken over most of my house also, but luckily, I still know where every piece is stored. I still purchase fabric, but actually tend to use new purchases quickly - imagine that!!! Relax, enjoy what you have collected, and like you, I call my fabric collection a collection. I just so happen to be the lucky curator.