Friday, April 10, 2020

Thursday Thoughts 04-09-20

It is citrus time in Southern California and there are many neighbors willing to share their abundant crop.  One lady posted on Next Door that she would deliver oranges to anyone who wanted them.  I said yes and she dropped a bag of eight of the best oranges I have ever eaten.  But I am not a connoisseur of oranges because if I eat too many I develop a rash.  But, OMG, these were perfection.  I didn't juice them, but ate them over the sink with the juice running down my chin.  Sooo good.  

Then this image appeared on Facebook and I had to laugh.  I am frequently amused by the things from my past, and sometimes present, that younger people do not recognize. 

This was an irreverent post with some raunchy answers.
But in my cupboard I have this.....

Not exactly like the antique they show, but it works the same way.  And it was my mother's.  I was dismissive of it after my first visit to California when I was about 4 years old.  My aunt had a "mechanical" squeezer that I cannot find an image of to show you.  But it had a crank that was pushed down after putting a half an orange on the cone shape and closing the lid.  It seemed very modern and efficient to me and I was thrilled to be allowed to push the crank with some help from Aunt Vernice.  It was the wrong time of year to pick oranges off of trees, but it was fascinating to think of it.  

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Loretta said...

Our simpler lives! That's a beautiful orange shiny and sparkling. Remember using it before going to first job just out of high school. Thank you. Please, take care and stay well...pats to KoKo.

Mary Ann said...

Oooh I have the mechanical one. I will post a photo for you. Have to dig it out. Wish I had a neighbor with oranges!

Carol said...

What a great Placentia Neighbor to provide free delivery!

Sherrie Spangler said...

I used to have a yellow plastic juicer shaped like yours, but I lost it somewhere in one of my many moves. If you're prone to rashes after eating oranges, make sure you wash your face and lips after eating citrus before going out in the sun. You probably already know this, but just in case. It's called phytophotodermatitus and it burns!