Tuesday, September 1, 2020

It is the night before.... 08-31-20

I sit here amazed at the arrival of my 82nd birthday.  How did that happen?  There are a lot of people older than I am, some of them decades older.  But, as so many of them say, I don't FEEL that old.  Inside I guess I am still twenty-four or so.  Enjoying pretty good health and happy living alone with KoKo, the 12 pound Yorkshire Terrier, the years just slip away.  I do find myself thinking about things that happened in the past and sometimes suddenly understanding what I didn't understand at the time.  Sort of like reading a book with footnotes. 

It is depressing and somewhat debilitating to be living in the time of Covid-19, but that may be overwhelmed by living in the time of Trump.  Since he started his political career I have thought of him as the 21st Century Hitler and I fear that he will end our democracy.  I hope that people who aren't inclined to vote will do so this November.  Not voting is a vote for Trump.  

Not a happy birthday post, but these things are heavy on my mind.   Love, Del and KoKo


Mary Ann said...

Happy birthday and many happy, healthy more!

Loretta said...

Dear Del,

A very Happy, Happy Birthday, to you, and may there be lots more!

Take care and stay well, my friend.

Fondly, Loretta

Rebecca said...

Happy birthday, and may this be the last under Trump!

Kay Taylor said...

I have hope that this will be tRumps last year. If not, I fear for our country. A belated happy birthday wish to you. I hope it was a good one in spite of the circumstances!

Gayle M P said...

Happy Birthday from New Zealand. We are definitely living in times of great change.I do enjoy reading your blogs, Del and enjoy appreciation of other quilters. Gayle

quilter_rodborough said...

Happy Birthday from the UK, and many happy returns. At this strange time in our world you send a bright message with your blogs. Something to look forward to sharing. so thank you.
Best regards .

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, Del! I, too, hope we can send Trump packing in November. In the meantime, enjoy your birthday!