Thursday, January 7, 2021

Stress 01-07-21

I know I am not the only one who is feeling the stress of yesterday's horrendous events in Washington, DC.  Twenty-four hours later it is still stressing me.  I feel that I am waiting for the other shoe to drop and it is not a good feeling.  But the day rolled by with KoKo walks, meals, reading, phone calls and lots of e-mails.  Several people in, or associated with, the Book Group have Covid,  Fortunately I have not been in their company for weeks.  I have a PTherapy appointment in the morning and that is also stressful.  Not just because of the exercise and massage, but because there is possible Covid exposure.  They do clean constantly and everyone keeps their mask on appropriately.  But still .... I am in there with at least a dozen other people.  Worry, worry, worry.  

Friend Carol dropped a bag of supplies on my porch this afternoon.  So, I used them for dinner.  Rather a green and white dinner, although the avocado looks rather bright gold it was really greenish.   Cooked broccoli with a sprinkle of cheese, an individual container of cottage cheese (I didn't know they made such a size), half a perfectly ripe avocado with a pinch of salt, and a glass of Lactaid milk.  It was quite a tasty meal and I will add it to my possibilities for the future.  And I think I will buy the little cottage cheese packs, I find it hard to finish a regular carton before it goes past date.  

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abelian said...

Sending a hug! 2020 is indeed slopping over into 2021. It’s been a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad” week, as the Judith Viorst children’s book would say.

I had an appointment to get the Covid vaccine yesterday, stood in a socially distanced outdoor line with dozens of people for an hour, got to the vaccine table, and they asked me if I’d had any other immunization of any kind in the last two weeks. I had, so they turned me away! They said to phone and get another appointment, but by then there were no appointments left. There’d been no warning of this requirement, or I would have scheduled a later appointment originally. I phoned the health department to tell them this story, and thank goodness, they transferred me to a manager who found me an appointment next week. I do feel lucky to be living in NC these days, but miss my California. Dottie

Loretta said...

Good Morning, Del.
Wow, some start to 2021 don't you think?! Those in a bit of control are hopefully sitting on him to keep him busy and us out of harms way! Thank goodness you and KoKo are able to get out for your walks and see nature in your loop! I am hoping that my/our vaccinations are in February, so by March we can spend a little more time in nature and not feel as threatened by covid as we do now. Continue your positive outlook of life and we will all get through this mess! Stay well.