Monday, January 4, 2021

Another day in isolation! 01-03-21

The longer I am in isolation the less I seem to be able to accomplish.  Today we did our two walks around the loop, ate, read, napped, played toss Froggy, did a few little household jobs, dismantled the Christmas wreath, trolled Facebook, read and answered a few e-mails.  Didn't talk to anyone and only saw three people on both of our walks.  Is that a dull day, or what?  I must do better.  Make a list and stick to it.  

I had an e-mail from Suzanne at Empty Spools Seminars.  Looks like I might miss another year - after going every year since 1991.  They have had to cancel the first two sessions, so no class with Sue Benner.  I'll check to see where else she might be teaching later in 2021.  But I moved my reservation to Session V in April for the Independent Study.  I have taken that before, just taking a project from home and working on it all week.  As I recall I didn't finish it there, but that is my SOP anyway. Unless the vaccination program gets going there may not be any Empty Spools Sessions at all this year.  Here is a picture of one of the housing buildings at Asilomar taken maybe 15 years ago.  The blue flowers are ceonothus bushes, native to California, but I doubt these were natives.  Lots of deer all over the campus and the surrounding town of Pacific Grove.  

Asilomar is part of the California State Parks system, so when everything is locked down the entire campus is closed.  When I was up there last April to pick up quilts at Back Porch I thought I would just drive through, but the gates were chained closed.  Hope I do get to visit again one day, it is one of my most favorite places, I suppose because it hold so many happy and satisfying memories. 

Those of you who have been to Back Porch Fabrics may remember Dorothy, mother of Gail Abeloe who owns the shop.  Dorothy died recently at an advanced age.  I don't think she had Covid-19.  She was such a gracious, lovely lady, as is her daughter Gail.  
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