Sunday, June 6, 2021

Quilt from Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection 06-06-21

Sunday again and another quilt from the Collection.   I purchased this one from the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden, CO, when I was traveling.   I think the exhibit was of quilts made by members of the Front Range Quilters, a large Colorado guild that tends toward art quilts.  I was attracted to the theme, the unusual color, and the interesting technique.  

"An Exaltation of Larks"  Mary Quinn - Colorado 2010  33"W X 67"L
Cotton fabric, paint/ink, cotton batting, cotton thread. 
 Deconstructed silk screen, hand applique, inking, machine quilting. 

This is really a whole cloth quilt with the exception of this nest with it's soft blue eggs appliqued a the lower left.  

:Many details if you look close.  The larks with their beaks open all have musical notes coming out of their beaks.  

I looked at my blog posts back to 2010 and discovered that I have never posted this quilt before!  Don't know why not, guess it was sort of lost in the 360+ quilts in the Collection.  I wonder if there are others that I haven't posted.  

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Loretta said...

Pleased you found this wonderful quilt....I can hear the larks singing!!! Enjoy your day.

Rebecca said...

Nice quilt! Do you know/have any idea how the barbed wire and reeds were made? I can understand dye discharge, but am curious about the dark lines around them.