Sunday, July 11, 2021

Flowers and Cleaning Out 07-11-21

This morning the water slide was collapsed and ready to be hauled off, but the truck didn't come until afternoon.  Guess it wasn't scheduled for another party today.  It is kind of sad seeing it all wrinkled up, like a dead dragon. 

The plumeria are blooming and lending their sweet fragrance to the air.  There are a number of different colors and some say that the darker the flower the stronger the fragrance.  I'm going to start sniffing around to see if that holds true.  The most common color around here is white, but there are shades up to about a lilac color. 

Darker pink. 

And a paler pink.  The flowers are 2" to 3" and the larger leaves are about 9" long.  Not a gorgeous plant, but the flowers make up for any deficiencies. 

Aren't the petals interesting?  They grow in a sort of spiral and have just the tiniest turned up edge. 

And cleaning out!  The impetus for me was the local school district holding a two day e-waste collection.  And I had a LOT of electronic waste.  But I had to clear off around many of the items and get them in the back of the car.  Yesterday I took five laptops (from which friend Dick had removed the hard drives), five plug in phones, an answering machine, a printer, a small TV, along with two boxes of clickers, wires, dodads, and whatnots.  The laptops were accumulated over about 35 years and the phones... well, forever!   Now I only have a cell phone. Today my neighbor in the cul de sac came to carry the huge old fashioned TV out to the car.  Bless good neighbors.  I also had two printers and, of course, more wires.  AND I have about ten boxes of papers, pamphlets, and other junk to go through, shred, and put in the recycle bin.  I feel very virtuous, but every room needs sorting and de-accessing more stuff.  I suppose the realization of my mortality as 83 approaches is a large part of my motivation.  I'm on a new antidepressant and have started PTherapy again, so that might be helping also.  If I could re-build some strength I could accomplish more.  A two hour completely-zonked-out nap was required this afternoon and I still have achy muscles.  As the saying goes, "Getting old ain't for sissies."
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Gayle M P said...

The Pulmeria are beautiful Del. My sister had white tinged with yellow in her wedding bouquet in 1971.
It sounds like you are pleased with the disposal of so much accumulated electronic equipment. Does the school collect this as a community service? Do they charge to raise funds for the school?
Why do we keep things after we replace them with a new, improved, one? I like to keep them "just in case" I need to use them again. Thankfully, we were also able to dispose of our old electronics recently too. Now paper, that's another task I also need to tackle.
It is good to hear you are feeling up to confronting obsolete collections. Hope the virtuous feelings keep you motivated. A nap or 2 are definitely deserved.
I do enjoy your posts. Thank you. Gayle

Carol said...

Good for you Del. As Mary Poppins says,”A job begun is half done “.
I survived my first plane trip in two years today. I was in my seat after boarding in OC, and a two year old boy came down the aisle with his family single file. He was chanting, “You can do this!” I adopted that as my mantra for the day. May just keep it! Want to join me?
P.S. I love plumeria too.