Thursday, July 15, 2021

It is a KoKo night 07-15-21

 Such a good dog!  

He looks so sweet and innocent curled up in his fuzzy bed with Froggy. 

But he bugs me when I am sewing until I put him up on the table and then he creeps closer and closer to where my hands are.  He just wants me to pay attention to him, not to my project.   He doesn't make any attempt to get closer than this, but I am always prepared to get my foot of the pedal FAST.  After a while he seems to realize he isn't going to get any petting and he wants to get down.  

I am so fortunate to have had his company during the Covid isolation.  Now that I am going out more and it is too hot to leave him in the car for even a few minutes, he must stay home alone and is not happy about that at all.  I don't wonder why dogs who are home alone all day while their people work create big messes.  

Back to PTherapy this morning after a week's hiatus and I am a bit sore tonight.  Gotta keep moving - walking twice a day with KoKo, doing the exercises the therapist recommends, not sit too long at the machine or just reading.  That old saying "Use it or lose it." keeps me moving, just not very fast! 

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1 comment:

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

KoKo is a sweetie. I think a lot of pets are going to be upset when their people go back to work and they are left home alone for long periods of time again.