Friday, July 16, 2021

Miscellaneous photos 07-16-21

Here are some photo "notations".  They have nothing to do with each other and aren't part of a story.  Just random things I come across. 

While KoKo was having his appointment with Peter, the groomer, I went to Supercuts and had my hair cut.  I was so surprised to look down at my lap and see this white "puff" - a hunk of hair.  But it is WHITE!  I have had some white hair mixed in for a few years, but didn't realize there would be patches of pure white like this.  I have my mother's genes and she had very little grey/white when she died at 65.  My paternal genes are from early white haired people, I never knew my father's mother as anything but white haired.  Her sister, my great aunt Effie, wore her hair hennaed from my earliest memory, so she was also white haired.  One thing I wonder about in my non-connected family is how these genes have been passed on.  Wonder if my sister, who is much like our father's family, has white hair at 85.
I went to the nicest local flower shop to chose flowers for the birthday of my friend Liz.  I looked at the flowers in the cold case and could see behind the counter.  Someone had been stripping rose thorns/leaves/outer petals and made this colorful carpet.  I as a little surprised at how the prices have risen, but they were delivered on time and were greatly admired. 

Quite a few of my neighbors have planted milkweed to attract Monarch butterflies and there have been a lot this year.  I have no luck photographing them with their wings wide open, but this is a nice image.  I put a Monarch in a quilt recently, I'll look up a photo and post it one of these days.  

I am trying to finish a small quilt for the Surfside Quilters Guild Challenge with a deadline of Monday!!  Hope to finish the quilting tomorrow.  It would be wise to then start the challenge for Canyon Quilters which is due in October.  I do tend to leave things for the last minute!  
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1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

I wish my hair would turn oil ver but it is silver in front and dark brown in the back. My mother passed away at 95 and her hair was the same way. Genes.