Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Food Shopping 07-27-21

I know the saying, "never go grocery shopping when you are hungry."  But today I violated that and ended up with an overload of food for the next week - maybe even two!   Yesterday I shopped a little at Ralph's for things I cannot buy at Trader Joe's and today I hit Trader Joe's!  I did have a list of only five items that I really needed, but then spent about $75 total.  No going out to dinner for at least this week!

Several friends have told me how delicious the peaches have been at TJ's, so I bought a flat of 12 medium sized and offered to share with my friend Carol.   I think I will try to make a little jam with some of them, although I haven't made jam for decades.  I'll try "freezer" jam from a recipe online.  

When I stopped to drop off the peaches Carol had four lovely vine ripened tomatoes for me.  Aren't they lovely?  Since I refuse to eat store bought tomatoes each home grown one is very special.  

My dinner tonight was a slice of whole wheat toast with mayo, tomato, S&P, and romaine for a "lid".  Fabulous! 

I have cheese, chicken, pastrami, eggs, veggies, etc.  Enough already. 

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1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

I love home canned peaches, make a simple syrup poach the peaches in it and place in a jar. Process in hot water until the lids pop. Better than fresh ripe peaches. Yum!