Saturday, August 28, 2021

Limping and Sewing 08-28-21

That darned sciatica is back again.  I'll call Monday to see about having another spinal injection.  And, of course, I am still doing PTherapy.   KoKo and I walked yesterday and today, but only about half the distance we usually do.  Walking is painful, but not horrific, however standing for more than a minute or so is excruciating!  I'm doing extra exercises periodically during the day and they do seem to help.  

I have signed on for a SAQA 100 day "challenge" which requires at least 15 minutes of creating every day.  So far I have used my precut scraps (1", 1 1/2", and a few 2") to make blocks that are not fused nor pieced, but just stitched to a 5" white background. No measuring, just eyeball the divisions and line up, so they are a little wonky at times. There are 17 so far, but I will move on to something else for a week or so.  

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Martha Ginn said...

Your 100-day project is so colorful and cheery. As long as you're not standing at the cutting table. Sorry about the sciatica pain!

Rebecca said...

What a fun way to put fabrics together! It looks like maybe wall quilt blocks, with all those raw edges.

Sorry about the sciatica, and hope you got some relief from a doctor today. That pain with standing makes shows and museums very difficult.

Loretta said...

Take care Del....continue your 100-day far, I am loving it.