Sunday, August 29, 2021

Quilt from TCQC - Olga Norris 08-29-21

With the pandemic and all my health problems this year I have not been keeping up very well with what is happening in the art quilt world.  Last week I was checking some websites for artists I especially admire and discovered that Olga Norris of England died in December 2019.  She had been ill, but I don't know what from.  I looked at the images in her online galleries and contacted her husband, Nigel, to see what might be available.  Four of the pieces I am interested in are available and I told him to send me all of them.  As you can see these already in TCQC are quite small, and so are the new ones.  Interestingly, she had specified a charity to benefit from sales of her remaining work, so I will send the payment to the Loch Arthur Camphill Community, a working community in the south west of Scotland, which includes men and women with learning disabilities.  What a great idea to have her favorite charity benefit.  

Hand dyed silk fabric, silk thread, hand stitched.  This type of stitching is in the style of Kantha work done in Bengal but so much more refined and expressive.   If you click on her name in the right sidebar you can read what I have previously posted about her work.  Check out her website for more of her fascinating work.   I will, of course, post images of the four new pieces when they arrive.  

"The Crow's Story"  Olga Norris - England  2012  7.1" x 7.1"

"Coffee Futures"  Olga Norris - England  2010  11.4"W x 7.5"L

"Red Hen"  Olga Norris - England  2012  7.5"W x 11"L

"New Hat"  Olga Norris - England  2010  6.2"W x 7.1"L
[This does not have a border, I just didn't crop it close enough]


Sharon Richards said...

I also ordered one of Olga's pieces when I read of her death. I had always admired her work and am grateful to have it in my home.
I did want to let you know that months after I sent my check to the charity her husband suggested, it was returned to me and I've never been able to get clarification on how to make the money available to them.
If I don't hear from them in the next several months, I guess I will choose a charity in the US to receive the money.

If you discover something that I don't know, please let me know.

Loretta said...

Good Morning Del, Quilter Norris's works of art are very special and thank you so much for being so generous to acquire additional pieces. I too have admired her work, its simplicity of design, but quite incredible of hand stitching. So innovative and inspirational! Thanks, once again, for sharing the wonderful pieces in your collection.

Nigel Norris said...

For Sharon:
The link to the Loch Arthur community has a button for online donations where you can pay by credit card or PayPal:

It's not widely understood in the US that US checks are almost impossible to clear outside the US.

Thanks so much for your generosity.