Thursday, September 9, 2021

Moon and Stars (planets, actually) 09-09-21

Somehow "Moon and Stars" sounds better than Moon and Planet!  The planet is Venus ("Goddess of Love that you are" for those who were teenagers in the 50s). which has been hiding all summer, but now stays up until after the sun goes down.  

This is not the best picture because I couldn't find anything to stabilize my phone and the moon and  Venus both appear fatter from the jiggling.  Maybe I will try again tomorrow night.   When I was a teenager and into poetry I wrote a poem about the California night.  The only line I remember is "A parchment curl of California gold laid on the warm shoulder of the night."   Of course, I have no proof that those are my original words, but I was so taken with my poetic ability that I have never forgotten when I wrote them - and where!   

I have an appointment to see the orthopedist in the morning - or maybe just his PA who is much nicer!  Maybe I will have another spinal injection and it will help with the sciatica pain. Pain is very tiring, isn't it?  I have never experienced prolonged pain and now I know what it is like.  Tiring! 

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sonja said...

we also have a lovely view of Venus and the feathery crescent moon from our deck again tonight after sunset! nature inspires us to use the words not often heard while we try to lasso the moment. good luck with your DR appointment tomorrow.
Getting older is definitely not for sissies!
aloha, sonja

Mary Ann said...

Hope it gets better!

abelian said...

Hope your medical visit helps. My doctor-daughter says “Surgeons prefer their patients anesthetized.” And they often have warm, friendly assistants, to offset that. Dottie

Carol said...

We saw the moon, Venus and Anteres from our balcony in Pismo tonight. Beautiful! Dick says he will take you to get your shot.

Martha Ginn said...

Del, I join your celebration of another birthday; hope it was happy. This moon picture is beautiful! Wishing some pain-free days to enjoy fall weather soon!