Saturday, December 17, 2022

Still gimping 12-17-22

I haven't been able to walk the loop, but the neighbor on Brian had his skeleton up for Halloween and transitioned him to a sort of pilgrim and then to a Santa skeleton.  You can see how tall he is by comparing KoKo who is at the very bottom of the picture.   Driving here and there I have seen a number of these big guys this year, most were dismantled after Halloween. 

Several people after seeing the dessert pictures mentioned the Danish Kringle from TJoe's .  I am actually on my second almond Kringle this year.  I portion them, Baggie them, and put about half in the freezer.  I pop the frozen piece in the microwave for a few seconds and eat it warm.  DELICIOUS!   I have also been stocking up on TJoe's Cranberry/Orange relish that is sooo good, but once only available for Thanksgiving.  I complained a couple years ago that it should be available for Xmas and I suppose others did the same.  So it is now sold through December, or until they run out of supply.  I freeze it and haul it out throughout the year.  Sooo good on a number of different cuisines.  

I was off my feet quite bit yesterday dealing with a missing check.  The company did receive it, but then it just disappeared.  I have never stopped payment on a check before and found that I was required to go to the credit union to show my ID and sign a form to authorize the stop payment.   But before I found that out I spent forever on the phone being switched around to a bunch of different people and listened to the tinned music almost more than I could stand (mute helped).  The CUnion is only a mile away, but all told I spent hours dealing with this problem.  On Monday I will verify that the check was REALLY stopped before I write another one.  I do still pay most of my bills by check because I feel that I keep better track of my money.  And I won't forget how to write in long hand.  I do make grocery lists, but that is about all I write except occasional scribbled notes to myself.  

Hope to do some sewing tomorrow.  Mostly just mending, but may do some machine quilting.  Wonder if I can elevate my left leg while running the machine with my right.   Doubt it!
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1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Del I was undergoing my "problems" with my right foot and had to teach my left foot how to operate the foot pedal on both machines. That being said I think it may be hard to keep one foot elevated while the other works! Mary Ann