Monday, January 28, 2008

"Crowsline" 01-28-08

The crows have come back from their winter vacation - at least one has, he was screaming at me from the neighbor's pine tree this morning. I don't know where they go between November and February but, as raucous as they are, I miss their antics and their vocalizations.

"Crowsline" June Underwood 2002 45"W x 20-3/4"L

June has an affinity for crows and has made quite a few quilts which included the crow image. This one is part of the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection. I bought it from her website and had serious reservations when I hung it on my wall. I thought the crow in the foreground seemed too strange. A week or so later I was on my way out and looked across the street to see what the crows were going on about. And there was the exact same strange crow in just that position standing on the curb and complaining to his fellows wading in the puddle at curbside. I didn't know that June would include him in the deal. He and his fellows frequently gather in the trees in the park behind our house to greet the dawn with their cawing and clacking. They really disturb some of my neighbors, but, hey, they are doing what crows do!

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