Sunday, March 9, 2008

More signs of SPRING 03-08-08

Spring has truly sprung. Not only because the time 'springs forward', but because my mockingbird friend is back. I don't really think it is the same mockingbird that has been been visiting since we moved into this house twenty-two years ago, but this year's bird must surely be related to all those who have gone before. Each year he takes up residence and sets up his territory - one corner of which is my chimney. He sits up there and, I'm positive, sticks his head down and screams his songs down the flue and out the fireplace - I suppose it is like singing in the shower to get great vibrations. I enjoy the songs, to a point. It is the 2am singing that annoys me. Why can't he just go to bed and rest up for the songs he will sing the next day?
The Latin name is melodic - Mimus polyglottos. Sometimes they are referred to as "Mimic-Thrushes" for their habit of making sounds like the things they hear in their vicinity - squeaky gates, whining pumps, whirling weathervanes, cats, and even dogs. They are very brave and will attack crows, ravens and even hawks in the air to chase them away from their nestlings. If only mating season didn't keep them up all night with the urge to sing!
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Christine Thresh said...

Our mocking bird is back in our neighborhood, too.
This morning on our walk, I told Robert about your guy singing down your chimney. He got a kick out of that story.
Our mocker hangs out in a red berry bush right by our lane. He sang all sorts of delighful tunes today. I don't hear him at night.

jpsam said...

My friend Robin has a blue jay who drives her to distraction. This bird pecks on her window at the crack of dawn, and all day long...