Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lonely Highways 08-03-08

These days I sometimes find driving the SCalifornia freeways rather creepy! People are driving less, so there are fewer cars on the road. Unfortunately, this just gives more incentive for some drivers to put the pedal to the metal. So, some vehicles are going 85 and some are going 55 - much more dangerous than when everyone is creeping along together at 25 - 35 mph!

This was at 4pm on Sunday, driving west on the Garden Grove Fwy (CA 22). I'm coming up on what is known as the "Orange Crush" because several freeways cross here making high traffic times a "Crush". Obviously there was no crush here today.

A few miles further on, still not much traffic going west, the east bound lanes are heavier.

Looking behind in the rear view mirror also shows less traffic. It seems this way most of the time now, except at peak traffic hours. Somehow I keep thinking of the movie "On the Beach". Creepy is the only word I can think of that applies.

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Christine Thresh said...

I think it is amazing that you took a picture of your rear view mirror. It is very clear.
Be careful out there.

Corky said...

Wow Del. During the 2 years I lived in LA, I NEVER saw a side road that clear let alone the Freeway!