Friday, September 26, 2008

Quilts from TCQC 09-25-08

I apologize for not posting this last evening. Unfortunately my Broadband connection disappeared and I couldn't identify the problem. This morning the problem has solved itself - computer gremlins, no doubt. Del =============

"Getting My Ducks in a Row" Pamela Allen 2005 33"W x 46"L

And a detail image.

Artist's statement: "I had been feeling glum after a string of sad events, when my little grandson gave me a picture of a duck he had drawn. Seemed like a signal to me to get on with life, so I enlarged his drawing and this quilt was born."

This quilt 'spoke to me' the minute I saw it. The color, the balanced design, the intense quilting, the "get on w/life" aspect and those lovely skeleton ducks across the bottom. My only hesitation was about the embellishments. The clouds in the sky are raining strings of beads and the lady's hair is also strings of beads. They are perfect for this quilt. However, I do trunk programs and ship quilts to museums and galleries, which is very hard on embellishments. The quilts in the collection are rolled, covered and stored on shelves, except for those for which I need to invent special storage. Now I have an archival box large enough to store this quilt and a few others flat, unfortunately it still hasn't found a permanent place in my house! But soon.

Pamela's quilts are so individual, unlike any others I have seen - this is one of several in the Collection. I doubt that at my age I could loosen up enough to imitate her, but I have signed up for a class. It will help me understand her methods and it might even teach me how to play.

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Karen Newman Fridy said...

I love her work...this is another great one!

Kristin L said...

I love Pamela's work too and like you, really respond to the "get on with it" aspect. Lucky you to be able to enjoy this one in person!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I think this is my favorite piece of Pamela's so far. I think a class with her would be inspiring.

Ann Morrell said...

Lucky you to be in an actual class with her...your work will be changed might not work as she does but you will look at your work differently and will see things differently. I was lucky enough to be in her online class and enjoyed it so much.

Christine Thresh said...

I really like the quilt. It is one of the best ones in your collection.
When is your class with Pamela?