Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Great rainy day 02-16-09

Lots of rain, lots of wind, lots of snow - things are looking up for the drought to end. LA has over eight inches of rain for the year, so far. And the local mountains are piling up snow pack.
I picked up Corky on Sunday morning and returned him this afternoon. The rain doesn't affect him at all - he just marches out and does his business. He knows very well that there will be someone waiting for him with a nice dry towel and a cloth to wipe his feet.
Fortunately there wasn't much traffic due to the Presidents' holiday, because the rain really pounded down at times and visibility was poor. After some heavy rain there would be a rift in the clouds and the puny sun would shine for a short while. Then the clouds would build up again and ...more rain.
Somewhere behind those dark clouds Venus is shining. I saw her on the way home this evening, so bright, so white. She is moving further north... or is it the Earth is moving further south?
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1 comment:

Rayna said...

Glad you are getting some relief with the rain, Del. I love rain, if I don't have to drive anywhere. But if you need it, you need it. I must say, you are an intrepid traveler!