Friday, February 20, 2009

Snowy Mountains 02-19-09

Sometimes one doesn't see what is right in front of them. I've been in this park dozens of times and this is the first time I have noticed this sign. Rather odd wording, eh? Do they mean if the dog is a nuisance? Or if what it might leave behind is a nuisance? Mostly signs around here say "pick up after your dog".

This afternoon I drove up to my mountain viewing spot on the top of Bastanchury Hill - as you see I wasn't alone in this little pocket park with the great view. Lots of viewers if there isn't haze and/or smog.

I tried going in the morning thinking there would be less haze, but forgetting the sun would be shining right into the lens.

On the far left are the San Gabriel Mountains, hiding behind the Brea hills, and on the right are the San Bernardino Mountains where we can go skiing or snowboarding.

The highest peak you can see in this picture is San Bernardino Mountain (elevation 10,864 ft/3,311 m).

Everything is washed clean by our recent rains, so all the vegetation shines in the sunlight. These pyracanthas planted on the slope add a little color.
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Rayna said...

That sign is a hoot, Del! Murky, to say the least - and written in the passive case, which makes it not only murky but bland and not very imperative. That person needs copywriting school!

The mountains are beautiful - thanks for sharing your pix, which are, as always, a joy.

Christine Thresh said...

I think it is a very good sign. It covers all sorts of circumstances. Very clever.
Once again, you've done it -- found an interesting thing in your every day life. I don't know how you do it. You must have your eyes and your mind open for fun things all the time.

meggie said...

Lovely lovely photos! So clear.
I seem to remember a song from my teenage years, about San Bernadino. No wonder they wrote a song about it!