Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What on Earth? 09-14-09

I have purchased a few quilts on the SAQA 2009 Auction - three, so far - and they are each little gems. But my BIG expenditure at the end of the summer has been a Noritz tankless water heater - something I have lusted after for several years. Yes, it is very expensive, but the decadent pleasure of having endless hot water that is really hot is, I think, worth it. I could have purchased a bunch of little foot-square quilts instead, but my water heater gave out and I came home to find water running out toward the big door. Sometimes it is necessary to "bite the bullet"! I'll let you know if my gas bill and water bill decrease in the next six months or so.
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Diane Wright said...

You are going to love it! I bit the bullet when I built a house and never regretted it. In fact I think it paid for itself before very long.

Besides, how do you "cost out" a really wonderful hot shower?

June said...

Congrats on the new water heater. We got a conventional new one and it lowered our electric bill by quite a bit. So your system will do even better. We considered this, but couldn't really find the cash to subsidize it. So my showers are only a bit above luke-warm. Jer has no interest in really hot showers and he's in charge of the temperature setting on the water heater. Sigh. Life and marriage sometimes involve compromises that one thinks about with some regret. But only when one takes a shower --snort--

Christine Thresh said...

You will probably see your gas bill go down, but I don't think the water bill will diminish. I love to take long, long hot showers so I probably use a lot of water. I also fill up the tub and soak for a long time with hot water running in constantly (and going out the overflow) so the bath never gets cold.
We've had our tankless water heater since we built our house in 1983.