Saturday, March 27, 2010

Update on the Corky, Poodle Prince 03-26-10

I was REALLY missing Corky after I was gone for almost three weeks. So, on Sunday evening, after driving from Mary's in San Juan Bautista, I drove to LBeach to see him.

Although he was initially happy to see me he finally came around to punishing me for neglecting him and refused to look at the camera. Usually he is such a ham.

He was still wearing his St. Patrick's Day green.

Eventually he went to lay in front of the garage door - waiting for his parents to return and ignoring me. .

Isn't this a pitiful sight? His dad sent me this picture on Monday evening after Corky had spent the day on his mommy's desk in his boat bed. He was recovering from having his teeth cleaned that morning. We always worry when he has to be anesthetized because he is almost 14 years old and we all know that it is harder for our bodies to recover from that as we mature. It took him the entire day to be his own self again. I'll have him quite a bit in April as it is a very busy month for his parents' business. Of course, I am looking forward to having him at "Camp Del".

Actually, I am recovering from anesthesia tonight. I had a routine colonoscopy this morning - what torture! But all is well and I don't have to do it again for five years. This has been a doctoring week with appointments with the eye doctor and the periodontist. Next week I will have to have a tooth pulled and start the process of an implant, which takes months. My friend Carol tells me it isn't so bad and I'm going to hold her to that!

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Rayna said...

It's not the colonoscopy that is torture (since I hope your doctor puts you out) but the day before is not fun. Imagine if you had to do this annually, as I do.
My first one saved my life. I can't speak for implants, but my husband had them and all I know is that the biggest pain is in the pocketbook!

Good luck with the rest of your appointments.

Suzanne Kistler said...

My youngest son has two implants, my sister has one. They both say that the result is AMAZING and definitely worth the long investment of time and dollars.

Unknown said...

I have three implants...and it wasn't bad, although I looked like I had gone a round with Mike Tyson as they were all in my maxilla (thanks to a snowmobile accident, I knocked all 4 front teeth out when I was 12). It didn't hurt, although I found myself tightening up and had to keep on telling myself to relax. The sound and knowing what they were doing was more difficult than the process.

I did swell, and I did have a lot of bruising. I also had to remind them to make me SOMETHING to wear as front teeth during the healing process.

I had my first colonoscopy this year...and sadly, I was awake and aware through the whole thing.

Good luck! I'll be thinking of you.