Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Stacked Bowls" from 2002 by Del Thomas 02-04-11

I love this little quilt!  I drew out half a dozen designs for variations, but somehow I just never made them.  Maybe one of these days!

"Stacked Bowls"   Del Thomas 2002  10"W x 12"L
Commercial cotton prints, poly batting, cotton thread.  Fused raw-edge applique.  Machine quilting.
I took the design I had drawn, along with several boxes of scraps, out to Corky's house in the desert and spent most of my time making this piece - finding the right scraps, applying the fusible, fusing and then sewing around every raw edge with matching thread.  I hadn't done a lot of fusing then so I didn't have many fused scraps.  I discovered what a pain it is to fuse small scraps rather than a large piece of fabric and later cutting out small pieces as needed.  Then I layered with the batting and back, which was a fabric sample that had been in my fabric library forever, and quilted with black thread around the bowls and the white rings on the background.   
I submitted this to an exhibit of quilts from Kansas Art Quilters which required the rings rather than a sleeve.
And there is that little red bird sitting in the white of the 'eye'.
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Susan Turney said...

I love it too! So happy. I hope you have it hanging somewhere or at least rotate it in and out. It's one of those that just makes you smile!

Christine Thresh said...

I love Stacked Bowls, too. What a delight.

Gaby Prado. said...

Eso es arte, que belleza!!!
That is art, beatifull!!!
Felicidades por ese trabajo tan hermoso.


Anonymous said...

Love the stacked happy and colorful. Sashiko stitches would look great on these pieces also. Clever!

Loretta said...

Another delightful piece from dear Del. Your lovely quilts make me smile! Thank you.

Rayna said...

Here is your sense of whimsy and humor again, Del. (can you tell I'm working forward with my reading??). Whenever I'm not doing anything or finishing any pieces I tell myself that the seeds of creativity are germinating and will sprout when they are ready -- all at one time. Usually, that is exactly what happens.

June said...

What fun!