Sunday, April 17, 2011

TCQC Quilt by Pixe Ladies 04-17-11

Sometimes a quilt stands out because it is so different.  This is not a beautiful quilt, but it is clever and graphically depicts a part of textile history that a younger generation might not see.  I sometimes hang it front side out and sometimes back side out, because both sides are interesting to look at.

"Levi Strauss Discovers Gold in California - May 20, 1873" 
The PixeLadies ( Deb Cashatt and Kris Sazaki)  2008 12" x 12"
 Blue jeans fabric, commercial cotton backing, one rivet, photo transfer, machine pieced, machine quilted.
The strip with belt loops establishes this as representing the iconic garment of the American West.

The rivet centers this pool of blue with spiraling quilting resembling a log cabin block.

The backing fabric has the glow of gold (or Fool's Gold!) showing off the swirling quilting lines - both curved and straight.

Here are the gold miners in their blue jeans.

I think you can read this explanation if you click on the picture to enlarge. 

This was purchased from the SAQA online auction 2008.  There will be another auction in the fall, I hope you will check it out and consider purchasing a 12X12 quilt to enjoy yourself. 

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1 comment:

Vivian Helena said...

love the idea.. Just goes to show,, Ideas are right at our finger tips,, we just have to notice them.. No, quilters block there.