Sunday, August 4, 2013

Quilt Festival - LBeach '13 08-04-13

I have very few photos of the quilts at QFestival - Long Beach.  Last Sunday I developed a cough and treated it all week.  I didn't have any cold symptoms until Friday and by the end of the day I was miserable (dripping and sneezing and snorting and moaning) and so was everyone around me - afraid I would pass it on to them.  I opted to stay home yesterday and spent most of the day in bed under the influence of cold meds.  Everything I've tried in the past makes me drowsy or just completely knocks me out.  If I want to be knocked out Benedryl is the best - swallow, go to bed, in half an hour I am unconscious and stay that way for about four hours.  But my nose doesn' drip and my head doesn't hurt while I'm asleep.  Daytime I can take Claritan D, but not drive or "operate machinery", which I assume includes the sewing machine.  I'm not sure about computers. 

Today I decided I would go back to LBeach and take a few pictures and pick up the potted orchids I provided for the VAM table.  Alas, I thought they closed at 4pm, but they actually closed at 3pm. A lot of people were out the door exactly at 3pm, I think.  I hope the last to  leave will drop the orchids at VAM.  Maybe I'll get down there this week and bring them home.  I stopped at Corky's because his mommy had bought me some Greek lemon-rice soup and it sounded like just the thing my cold needed tonight.

I've completed the SQG newsletter and sent it to the proof readers.  Hope to have it online tomorrow. As soon as I finish this post I am  swallowing a Benedryl and going to bed with the humidifier humming.  

The quilt below is enormous..  I'm only guessing, but I suspect it is about nine feet high and seven feet across.  And it is just charming with windows that open and little faces peeking out here and there. It is for sale, but I didn't buy it.  Much too large for TCQC. 

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Patty ♣ said...

I looked for you yesterday, Saturday. Sorry you have been feeling so bad, and hope that you are much better as you read this!
I really enjoyed the Berne House Quilt too. I was looking at all the little things that each person had added to make their house fun. Very colorful, and VERY huge!
I hope someone returns your orchids!

Dolores said...

What a bummer to be sick and missed part of the festival. I wish you well and sassy!!!

Sherrie Spangler said...

Get well soon!