Wednesday, February 14, 2018

From Tucson - homeward bound Posted 02-13-18

Regardless of how great a trip is, there is always the time one must head home. 
From the awesome landscape of the Tanque Verde Ranch where the classes ended at 4pm... hour drive in traffic to get to I-10 and the rush hour traffic headed north toward Pheonix, which is where the smog in the distance comes from. 

Beyond that was the sun setting in a blaze of glory to the west. 

And too quickly disappearing into the horizon. 

After an overnight in Yuma, I continued on I-8 and drove past this solar farm - the black on the right of the picture. 

It is vast, miles along the highway, and here you can see the solar panels tilted to the sun. 

Not many miles further on the forest of a wind turbine farm appears at the foothills. 

They are widely spaced here, where some wind farms are very dense, just enough space between towers to clear the other arms flailing. 

In the vast landscape they don't seem so large, but up close they tower like redwoods in the sky.  Also along I-8 are wide spread fields of row crops that are harvested for markets all over the world.  Lettuce, celery, broccoli, beets, etc., all grow in the winter sun.   Driving out to Yuma I saw a flock of about 20 egrets resting along an irrigation canal. 

After the veggie, sun, and wind farms comes the true low desert....

...which goes on and on and on and on and.............................!
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Loretta said...

Thank you for the Yuma area tour!

Loretta said...

P.S. I'm still wondering about your friend the Raven!