Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Road Trip to WA - Last Day 05-30-18

I left from friends Mary/Joe in San Juan Bautista at 8am with the hope I would make it through Pasadena on the 210 Freeway before the traffic was too clogged up.  And I made it!  Although it had already started slowing it was not the parking lot it is most of the time after about 3pm.  I drove into my garage at exactly 3pm after a 355 mile day.  Glad to be home, but loved the journey.  My longest day was 431 miles from Reno to Bend, followed closely by the Memorial Day total of 417 miles from Yreka to San Juan Bautista.   In all, the trip was 2850 miles.  I was gone for 13 days, five were non-driving days.   I do have some pictures I haven't posted, but will try to get to them this week.  Here are just a few from today.

From the bottom of the "mountain" up the canyon to Mary and Joe's house is between 2 and 3 miles and my top speed is 30 mph in short stretches - mostly more like 20.  It is a winding, ascending road and there are animals along the way.  Always cattle, but also horses, goats, alpacas, etc.  I could see a distance in both directions so I just stopped on the roadway and snapped this picture of a young steer.  He was curious and came closer.

For a better shot.  I saw mostly black cows on the trip. 

Where the mountainous road comes to a stop sign at the bottom of the canyon there is a house with sheep, goats, chickens, and maybe some other critters.  They are fenced and the fence is almost at the edge of the road.  There are three goats and a black rooster here.  

This is the first time I have seen flowers in the fields along Hwy 156 and there were two large plantings.  There was a sign announcing Burpee Ferry-Morris, so I suppose these mixed flowers are for seed.   I love the blue mountains!

I could not tell what flowers they are and there is no place to stop to examine them. 
06-01-18 Update:  Friend Mary says they are sweet peas and adds "A couple weeks ago you could roll down your car windows and smell the wonderful perfume of the flowers. "

There has recently been a large grass fire along the I-5, I could smell it.
I always think these fires so close to the pavement are caused by thrown cigarettes. 

A wild sky.  Clouds and contrails whipped by the strong, gusty winds. 

A long lonely looking road, very light traffic today, seems to go on forever. 
#   #   #


Mary said...

The flowers are Sweet Peas and it's a Ferry Morse facility. A couple of weeks ago, when you drove by the flowers and rolled down your windows, it would fill your car with a wonderful flower perfume. They have faded now but were something to behold! Mary

Loretta said...

Thank you Mary for the flower next trip in that area, I'll roll down the car window. ;-)