Saturday, September 28, 2019

In the neighborhood 09-28-19

After months of heat today's high was 73F and we are supposed to have another four days of under 80F weather.  It is wonderful, I even got chilly while walking with KoKo this morning.   And it was cool enough at 6:20pm to take our evening walk in the daylight.

This is the most tree lined section of our walk and we walk on the east side mostly to stay in the shade. 

Really serious clouds, but no chance of rain. 

And a rift in the dark clouds let some sun rays through. 

I have posted termite tenting before.  I don't know if this is something that is done across the country, I've never seen it anywhere but in SCalifornia.  

The entire house is covered with plastic tarps and a poison is pumped in where it stays for several days, killing every living thing inside.  There have been occasions when someone breaks into one of these "tents", ignoring the warning signs, and they die.  This house is empty waiting for the new owners to move in, but if the house is occupied they must go through every drawer, cupboard, pocket, closet, box, bag, etc., to be sure there is nothing edible that would be contaminated.  

I am still working on the coaster project and KoKo is helping.  I hope I have a new lens prescription in October, because I am having a hard time seeing to sew in the right places. Woe is I! 

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1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I think they might do it other places, because they used it in "Breaking Bad" which was set in Albuquerque. However, I imagine the writers are in southern California!

I heard that you even have to empty the refrigerator. What a job!