Saturday, April 18, 2020

In an April long ago 04-18-20

Looking back in my picture files again.  Just typed in "April" and found a few quilt images. 

This is from April 2005 in a class at Empty Spools with Sylvia Einstein.  Sylvia did wonderful wedding ring pattern quilts and had us use the same templates with original settings.   I think I called mine "Green Trails".  It has yet to be quilted.

This picture is from April 2003 when this quilt hung in a big show in Pennsylvania.  It is a group quilt with blocks made by friends of Judy House who subsequently died of cancer.  It started out as just a few blocks from Empty Spools friends and spread to her friends all over the country.  Unfortunately we didn't put any dimensions on the request for blocks so there was no uniformity.  It took me forever to put it together and I had to make some small blocks as fillers.  I still get a kick out of the chicken in the lower right with a block of three eggs right below it.  Looks startled!  After her death the family donated the quilt to a children's hospital or clinic in the Washington DC area.  Might have been Walter Reed.  As difficult as it was to put together I think it is the most fun quilt I have ever worked on.  

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Loretta said...

Love your quilt for today...Green Trails is WOW color and must have been fun to put together. Chickens is just plain fun and so many hilarious! Thanks so much for sharing.

Carol said...

These are so fun, Del! 5hey are a day-brightener!

Rebecca said...

That's funny (in retrospect?) about not specifying a block size. I remember one guild president quilt was pretty free-form, but requested multiples of 3". These are joyous quilts.