Sunday, May 17, 2020

Dreaming of being on the road = AGAIN 05-17-20

This week I should be on the road to Washington State to visit my friends Mabel and Mac Huseby and several people along I-5 on the way up or down.  But the Virus has canceled all our travel plans.  I'm going to try for September now.  And maybe I will try driving up Highway 395 again.  It was a very nice drive several years ago and I didn't go all the way up into WA, instead turning west to visit Sisters, Oregon, though not during their quilt week.   385 can be a very lonely road, but it takes me through familiar country - Bishop, Mono Lake, Reno, and beyond.  Part of the decision would depend on how much time I have, right now I have endless time!  But no place to stay or eat or visit or....   The Virus is in charge. 

Highway 395 follows the east slope of the Sierra.  This image is from May 2018.

Looking south from from the pass north of Mono Lake.  Love the stickers on the guard rail, there must be thousands. 

Here is the Starbuck's in Alturas, CA., which is located in the far northeast corner of California.  Notice that it is not a drive in, I didn't need to stand in line either.  The hotel is open for guests. 

A very common sight in northern CA, OR, and WA.  I well remember log trucks in my childhood that had only one huge fallen tree on the back.  There were still virgin forests being logged back then.  Now the logs are usually about the same diameter because they were all planted at the same time. 

It would be fun to drive this route again.  Soon! 

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

On the road again....sounds good to me! Yesterday I went driving for the first time in a month. I drew-in-car the Greek Orthodox church in a neighboring town. Constructed of large stones, beautiful windows, and is circular of construction. I had a terrific time, just drawing out of door for the first time in a month or so. Take care and stay well.