Thursday, September 20, 2007

Inspiration Sep 20, 2007

I suppose anyone who creates anything is sometimes asked, "Where do you get your ideas?" I am usually at a loss to explain - it just comes. But looking through my photos on Picasa2, I can see the "seed" for one of my quilts. This picture was taken in March 2006 at the Frazer Park rest stop on I-5.

And this is the "Tree House" made in May 2006. I had not previously made the connection. The design just came to me when I needed to make a quilt with a house theme. This quilt is part of the Alliance for American Quilts traveling exhibit (soon to be auctioned), "Put A Roof Over Our Head". Sometimes I deliberately search (as I have been lately) for a design source, but usually I don't. Perhaps if we were able to delve into all of our past experiences we could find the spark for every design.

1 comment:

June said...

I always loved your tree house.