Monday, July 7, 2008

Bad Habits 07-07-08

Sometimes I think I have more bad habits than the average person! Especially now when I am faced with all the junk I keep - forever! One REALLY bad habit is pinning things to walls. I have three in the dining room, which is where I sew, and one in the front hall next to the door. I can't remember when I last cleared them off - probably a decade. After all, nobody comes in my house except the plumber once every year or so. But now I must take everything down and make some decisions about keeping or disposing. And where shall I put what I keep?
This wall is home to half a dozen small quilts waiting to be quilted and also lots of 'special fabric'. Like the piece in the top middle - red and white striped fish with blue tails on a black ground. I love this fabric, but I haven't found the perfect place for it. In the lower left corner are a few San Blas Indian patches someone gave to me - wonderful birds.

On another narrow wall are these orange fabrics. I love orange and keep thinking I will make an orange quilt. I've shared cuts of different oranges with fellow guild members, but they actually MAKE the quilts.

This is truly a junk wall. There are a couple ribbons from shows, a postcard from the "Put A Roof Over Our Heads" (the Alliance fund raiser last year) and below it a great fabric I got in a grab bag somewhere, higher up is a funky angel I made a few years ago with waxed thread hair that fans out beautifully and, at the very top, a photo of a quilted car cover that was displayed at a number of quilting events some years ago.

This is a narrow wall behind the front door with mostly gifts that people have given me. And a few things that I purchased - the exotic lady on the left made by doll maker extraordinary Judy Hasselkus of Mission Viejo, CA, and the three little lapel dolls by Debra Lunn. The flamingo is actually a coin purse - a sort of "in" joke from a friend.
I know I need to set aside an entire day to de-pin my walls - an awful lot of decisions. Corky has gone home and Liz with be here on Wednesday, so things should get moving again - rapidly, not at a snail's pace as they have been this past week.
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meggie said...

I loved seeing your walls here! I am like that, but only 'permitted' to have one patch like that, in my sewing room! It really is a curb, living with someone else!
I, too, am going to write a post about this.

Christine Thresh said...

Why de-pin your walls? If you enjoy the colorful momentos leave them out.

Del said...

Well, the furniture will be moved which will change the wall spaces and everything needs to be repainted - it has been over twenty years! I read a book once in which the protaganist kept layering newspaper and magazine clippings by pinning them over each other for years; the layers were six inches deep. Scary, eh?