Wednesday, July 9, 2008

One shelf unit up 07-09-08

Liz came this morning at 8:30 and we worked flat out until 4pm. We did stop for pastrami sandwiches with the meat left from the sandwich I bought at The Hat yesterday. They put so much meat in each portion that I can get four meals out of one sandwich. And it is such GOOD pastrami.
Two people are definitely needed to erect the shelf unit - three would probably be better. We managed six shelves, but only four come with each unit, so I need to go back and buy four more shelves. And I might buy another unit - three will fit across the wall. And I THINK the three will hold all the boxes except a few very special project boxes I will keep under a table. I even did some 'culling' and you see an empty box on the top shelf next to the batting box. Of course, the sorting table I showed in a previous post is still covered with piles of fabric divided by color. And there are several other large piles of fabric here and there. But I have vowed to not buy more boxes, so I will be doing serious culling.
My brain is not functioning this evening, it is striped raw by all the decision making I had to do today. That Liz, she is a big help, but she refuses to make decisions for me. Not nice, eh? And my body is weary. So, off to bed, only to face another marathon tomorrow. But without Liz, so I might be able to have a little sitting down time.
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meggie said...

I dream of being able to create storage space like that!
I discovered some fabric I had completely forgotten I had, today. Not often that happens, but my stash is rather higgledy piggledy!

Del said...

One of the joys of having a huge fabric library is finding wonderful pieces I have forgotten about. With this massive organization I am finding many, many things I have forgotten about. Almost better than goins shopping because I know I will probably like whatever I find - after all, I bought it sometime in the past.