Sunday, July 6, 2008

Discoveries 07-06-08

I have experienced this before and I know that many of you have also. When cleaning out for any reason after a long period of collecting stuff, I run across things I don't remember. Usually the brain sorts it out and I remember what, when , why... etc. But sometimes not.

A few weeks ago I talked a little about fabrics that fade and here is another good example. This fabric is a commercially patched Indian Madras plaid. I don't remember where I bought it, but I have had this problem with Madras before. I made this vest (my favorite one - ever) in early 1996. I knew it had faded, but I didn't realize how much. Today I was consolidating some bags of scraps and came across the piece on the right. Although I have been wearing the vest for twelve years I didn't immediately recognize the scrap - it did look familiar. The vest has had a lot of sun and many washings, so I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.
Here is the vest and the scrap in a closeup. Wow! I guess I need to retire the vest which I have patched many times, but never with the original fabric.

I haven't completely identified this piece with thread painting on a batik print. I do vaguely remember doing this, but not why I did it or what I intended it for. I believe the idea was looking up at the sky through winter bare branches. After looking carefully at the location of the safety pin, I can see that I missed a double back on one of the branches and guess I marked it so I could redo it.

In the folder there was a strip from another quilt that I finished in 2002. So, I suppose I did this that same year. I have improved my control, but I'll never be an expert at thread painting. I've put this with my unfinished projects.... Box 3, I believe. That I should live so long!
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