Sunday, June 21, 2009

California Giraffe 06-20-09

I wonder how many times I have driven by this herd of giraffe? They are on the east (or south) side of Santa Ana Canyon Road in Anaheim. I don't go that way often lately, but had to go to the Auto Club of SCalifornia to see about switching license plates. I'll put the "DELQLTS" plates on the Lexus - guess that means I am going to keep it - and I have new plates for the Caravan.

Here is a closer view of the two giraffes on the right. All of them are made from metal which is rusting different colors. It is too bad the power cables are where they are, but perhaps they came after the animals. I could not see a way to take a picture without the cables - perhaps if I stood in the middle of this very busy street?

There is also a moose, not nearly as wonderful as the Butterfly Moose in Pacific Grove. See

Some years ago I read the non-fiction book "Zarafa: A Giraffe's True Story, from Deep in Africa to the Heart of Paris" by Michael Allin (c1998 Walker & Co.) and found it fascinating. It is indeed about the first giraffe in Europe in 1827. I recommend it.
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1 comment:

Rayna said...

What a whimsical visual treat! As usual - you've found something interesting to photograph that brightens my day.