Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Annual BLT 08-25-10

I love tomatoes and for years I always grew them so I could have them very ripe and fresh. Then I started having skin reactions to them and stopped planting them. But, oh-my-goodness, do I miss BLT sandwiches. So, every year I bum a very ripe tomato from one of my tomato growing friends and have one BLT. Tonight was the night....

... and it was delicious!

Special thanks to Teresa Malinowski who provided the 2010 tomato!
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Unknown said...

I'm so glad you can partake at least once a year! I didn't sucomb to the alure of the BLT (or fresh tomatoes really) until I was in grad school and someone gave me a bag...tomatoes on toast with mayo quickly evolved to the BLT and I haven't looked back. DD begs me to make them for her, and like you, fresh slicers and home-made sauce is why I plant a garden each year.

Gerrie said...

why I love August!!