Monday, August 23, 2010

Libby Lehman quilt in TCQC 08-22-10

There are some quilts in the Collection that I have not posted because I don't have decent pictures of them. I will try to find time to do some photography during this coming week, but it is really booked up and the Surfside newsletter is a work in progress.
This is a repeat post from 05-31-08 that shows an outstanding example of Libby's work.
"Silent Partners" 1995 Libby Lehman 35"W x 35"L

I bought this one from Libby when she was doing a guild program in my area. After the meeting I went up and asked her if any of her quilts were for sale, this one specifically, and she said yes, she gave me a price and wrote up a receipt. I took it home, hung it on the wall and stared at it for a long time before I could go to sleep. I think this is such a fascinating quilt. It is just a one-patch quilt made with hand dyed fabrics. But Libby has stitched over the background patches so that it appears to be a pattern on point. No, all the patches are set square and the stitching, using rayon threads, is superimposed over them. Some of the stitching was done just on the top and some goes through the top/batting/backing.

Here is a detail showing the variety of stitches that she used.
Libby's website is

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Martha Ginn said...

Ahhhhh....there's nothing like Libby's work. And she is so sharing and gracious, too!

Patty ♣ said...

Pretty! Very pretty!