Sunday, August 29, 2010

A feel good tale and sad news. 08-29-10

Animals are special to many of us - maybe even MOST of us. And some animals seem to have gifts that go beyond just bonding with their owners. Here is a tale about one of them.

Do you remember Max, the cat who pulled pins from his owner's pincushion - very carefully?

While I was having my computer problems I didn't read many blogs, but have tried to catch up a bit and discovered that Max was killed by a car one day. Here is Susan's post about that event:

I was very fond of Max, still am! Some animals, like some people stay with you as long as you live. Max will be well remembered - even though we only met in cyberspace.
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1 comment:

Susan Brubaker Knapp said...

Thanks, Del. You are sweet to post this link... I hope lots of other people get to know Max through this post. He was a very special cat.