Monday, April 29, 2013

Feeling "at home" 04-29-13

On Saturday I arrived in Mt Vernon, WA., thinking I could find a motel room easily.  Eighteen months ago when I was here there was nothing available due to a regional little league competition.  But I wasn't worried this time, the tulip festival is over and the weather is still cool - it is only early Spring.  However,  due to a regional Frisbee tournament I couldn't find anything within thirty miles where I was willing to stay, so Mabel and Mac, once again, provided me with a bed for one night.  They were off to church on Sunday morning and I had a leisure hour to get myself together.  We went out to breakfast and Mabel and I talked for the rest of the day - quilts, people, travel, our histories, weather, plants....  well, everything that friends share when they get together for a visit.  Outside it was drizzling, but we didn't notice.  After dinner I checked in to HIE-Burlington, the closest to Mt. Vernon. 

If this were my view out into the backyard I wouldn't get much done - I'd just sit and let the peacefulness soak into my mind and body.  Although my mother's house had no such trees, they were all around in parks and roadsides and neighboring yards.  Now I feel so "grounded" when I look at a view such as this - I feel "at home". 

In the front yard there is a tall holly tree which is dropping berries.  Mabel says that the squirrels carry the berries everywhere and bury them.  I've only seen two squirrels here, but there is one black one somewhere around - something I have never seen.

Mabel Huseby at friendship group meeting.
This morning we drove up to Bellingham to a meeting of Mabel's friendship group.  There are only four members and I know them all from Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar.

At this meeting they had Show&Tell and shared ideas for borders and bindings on quilts they have almost finished.  A very prolific group, they make fabulous unique quilts. 

In the hostess' yard the rhododendrons are just coming into bloom.  This pink one is outside her front door, but the back yard is lined with rhodies of many different colors - lots of buds so far, but full bloom depends on the weather.


Tomorrow I head south.  A night in/near Portland and lunch with quilting friends.  Then I'll see how many miles I can cover in a day of driving.  I'll stop to see Mary and Joe in SJBautista, but not spend the night since Joe is still recovering. 
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1 comment:

Dolores said...

Wonderful friends, lovely scenery, roaming around, just perfect!!!