Saturday, September 7, 2013

Friday Fannies 09-06-13

I guess there were thousands of people at the Art Walk at Liberty Station in San Diego on August 24-25.  And many came across the street and shopped at the VAM Veranda Sale.  VAM did very well that weekend.  It was quite warm (not as bad as this past week), but there was a gentle breeze on the veranda to provide a measure of relief.  I noticed how many hats were worn by both women and men - all styles, colors, and varied degrees of sun protection - which I imagine was the point.  Another sartorial trend were the many versions of long, slinky dresses/skirts. 

This one was quite striking, but the hat was a little too country.

Lots of stripes, but one must be verrrrry slendar to wear them.
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Dolores said...

They are actually very cool to wear and comfortable. I agree about the stripes :)

Quiltedtime said...

I always enjoy your pictures and commentaries, Del. :-). Definitely, no stripes for me!

Karen said...

These are almost like the Walmart pictures people send out! No stripes here.