Saturday, November 3, 2018

"Last Walk in Autumn" 11-03-18

Autumn it always a time of memories for me.  My late husband Floyd and I both loved the season and especially to go up to the east slope of the Sierra for a last camping trip of the year.   He died in 1990 and when I participated in the Journal Project in 2007 this is one of the quilts (8-1/2" X 11") that I made.  It is based on several photos taken on our last trip in 1989.   I pin it up for a month or so this time of year. 

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Kathleen Fields said...

What a beautiful quilt to honor a special man and memory.

Beth said...

I always enjoy this quilt when you post it in the fall. It gives me a sense of the man I was never fortunate to know.

Loretta said...

How special to have designed, assembled with so many special techniques this fond memory of your husband at a very caring time of your life. A wonderful quilt. Thank you for once again sharing.