Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Food 06-12-20

My very kind neighbors, the John family, continue to tempt me with delicious Indian food.  The other evening I enjoyed a meal and had leftovers for the next evening.  

Mariam calls these Indian cutlets, but they are more like flat meatballs.  About 2-1/2" long and 1/2" thick they are made of ground beef and some veggies and spices. 

This is sort of like a stew and they have served me a variation at almost every meal.  This one was especially tasty and contained mango, jackfruit seed, moringa leaves.

Mariam called this Indian greens.  They tasted like Swiss Chard combined with finely grated carrots and spices. 

And the distinctive Indian rice which is more coarse than the Bastimati that I usully cook.   Mariam told me there is a market across from the Fullerton PO that sells Indian ingredients.  Whenever I feel comfortable going out of my regular area I will check it out.  

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1 comment:

Carol said...

Amazing! Aren’t you lucky? When Dick and I were first married, we had grad student neighbors. The wife was Thai and the husband Indian. They would invite us to their parties and the food was so exotic to us. She made special dishes for Dick that were not too hot. Lovely people. Wish we had kept up with them.