Sunday, February 14, 2021

KoKo with Valentine 02-14-21

This funny critter came as a Valentine gift from a neighbor today.  It isn't meant to be a doggy toy, but I figure KoKo can enjoy it until it falls apart.  He immediately ripped the hard button off the nose and I stitched it up.  There is a cute video of him putting it through the paces, but I cannot figure out how to post a video on my blog.  So, maybe that will come later. 

It was an unusually "gifty" Valentine's Day.  A heart shaped balloon that floats on the ceiling, a heart shaped box of Whitman's chocolates, a kazoo, a large mug that says "Soooo Cray About You" (???), and a plastic bag of Cuties, oranges, and lemons - waaay more than I can ever eat.  Guess I'll have to find a neighbor who needs some citrus.  And, of course, this critter which was stuffed in the large mug.  Guess I am on people's minds this week. 

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Del, you are truly a fortunate woman, as is KoKo to receive such special gifts! Yes, you are a special woman in all of our lives. Please take care and stay well. Happy Presidents' Day!