Thursday, February 18, 2021

Project Sidetrack 02-18-21

Sometime last summer I came across a bag of half square triangles that someone else had cut and given to me in a bunch of unwanted fabric.  i sorted them into light and dark and set them aside.  For some unknown reason, I am now compelled to sew them together.  Don't know that the colors work very well, but that is what I have and I probably will not cut any more.  I'll have to press and square up each set, a hateful chore,  Hope I can be random enough in the pairings. 

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Loretta said...

You are fondling your fabrics again...that's a good sign for the day! Yesterday, I was feeling achy and a bit sleeping much of the day. A Tylenol took care of the achy feelings, and a nap in the afternoon did the trick. Today I'm fine....and now about 3/4 to the end of my least I hope! Of course, I'll wear a mask through the year until our world is absent of covid-19 and its relatives, but I'm thinking at least I can get to TJs for a shopping spree for the first time in a year!!! Take care.

Andrea said...

Del, I think these colors are lovely and will make a beautiful quilt!