Monday, February 15, 2021

Warm feet 02-15-21


I have always had warm feet and used to stick them out from under the covers while I slept.  But lately my feet are always so cold and in all seasons I wear open Birks in the house.  I finally broke down and order slippers!  I haven't owned slippers for decades.  These are from LLBean and are very warm and cozy.  I was attracted to the pair with a dandelion on one foot and a seed puff on the other, but they were sold out.  So, I have robins which are very nice. 

It might be just thinking of the horrible weather in Texas and Portland and other places that don't usually have such heavy snow and low temps.  Every time I read someone's post on Facebok I shiver.  I remember "silver thaws" from my childhood in Oregon.  Every twig, blade of grass, tree limb and trunk, bush, and leaf is coated with ice.  Branches fall, roofs slouch, it is impossible to walk without "crampons" (or whatever those spiky feet appliances are called).If you have never seen such a thing check out the old movie "McCabe and Mrs. Miller" which was partially filmed during one of these climate phenomena.  Beautiful, but deadly.  And here I am in my warm, robin bedecked slippers.  M-mmmmm.

The visit with my primary doctor was good.  She took blood and we will talk about results in a couple weeks.  Meanwhile I am still struggling to use the BP monitor correctly so I get a reading on the first "pump".  Sometimes it takes three tries to get it to complete the measurement.  I'll get used to it soon, I hope. 

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