Friday, July 2, 2021

An occasional visitor 07-02-21

When I turned to back into my garage the other day I saw that the visiting egret was in my neighbor's flower bed looking for a lizard lunch.  I hope he found some as we have an abundance of lizards this year.  I suppose they eat bugs so I should welcome them, but too many is just too many.   I suppose this is the same egret that has visited our neighborhood a number of times in the past.  I always hope to get an image of him/her in flight - so elegant. 

His supple neck makes lovely curves and he keeps it moving all the time.  Perhaps the better to see his prey. 

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Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

We saw an egret flying last week, but the photos were too blurry to use.

Rebecca said...

Just yesterday, I saw a large white bird (probably an egret) run a couple steps in front of my house, and then take off over my next door neighbor's roof. I was pretty excited, seeing one so close!

No pictures; I barely was in time to see it.