Saturday, August 8, 2009

Quilt Festival LBeach #10 Post 08-07-09

I wonder if these are the chickadees that spend the winter in San Juan Bautista? I guess not, the SJBautista chickadees probably go to British Columbia, or maybe even Alaska. This quilt catches the communal life they live, no matter where they are found.
Unfortunately the sign was positioned so that a full view of the quilt was not possible.
Just look at these little guys, Cynthia even put on the toes!
This was one of the first birds I learned to identify when I was a child, the American Robin was also one of the first. They were thick in Oregon in the spring and through the summer. I rarely see a robin here, but there are some in the older neighborhoods with the big trees and wide lawns.
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Loret said...

I too am a birder. Happy little creatures -- and Cynthia has captured them beautifully.

June said...

I love the sound of the chickadee -- that funny brrrrr that rings through the summer months. We have robins in Portland, but mostly in February and March. Some show up at other times, but they must stop here on their way through. Like relatives who come from Minnisota.