Friday, August 7, 2009

Quilt Festival LBeach #9 posted 07-06-09

This quilt is an attention grabber just because of the intensity of the color.

And it is not as unreal as it may seem. This is exactly the sky I see in my mind when I think of my month in Australia in 1972. I didn't see Baobab trees - just a bare tree silhouetted against the sunset sky. A truly amazing sight, I almost expected such a sky to make a noise.

Beth Miller's quilts are on her website:

So you remember this quilt from Quilt Festival 2008? It has since appeared in Quilting Arts Magazine.

It is so imaginative and has such crisp detail.

This year Kathy York showed this quilt - imaginative and much attention to detail.

But oh-so different. It caught my eye from across the room!

She has used the many fabrics to create a rich color and texture. I admire the satin stitch edging between the main colors - something more to see when you get up close.

If you Google "Kathy York" quilts you will get quite a listing. Her Flicker stream is: and includes a number of quilts. She also has a blog about her Journal Quilts:
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Loret said...

Surfice to say -- WOW! WOW! WOW! Thank you.

June said...

Quite an exhibit. Thanks for showing us all these. I particularly liked Ruth's Burlingame fire piece. It seemed exactly appropriate.