Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Purple Passion" for November Fest 09-24-11

Last year for Surfside Quilt Guild November Fest, I organized a Simply Red basket for the basket raffle.  This picture was taken when I delivered it to Nancy Ota's house in San Clemente - it was so heavy I could hardly carry it.  This year I am doing a "Purple Passion" basket for the same fund raiser.  The guild doesn't have a quilt show so this is our only fund raiser to help cover the cost of quality teachers and lecturers.
  I have discovered that purple is decidedly "out", so it has been a struggle to find purple "stuff" for the basket.  I have a "That Purple Thang" and (all in purple/violet/lavender) a magnetic pincushion, a tape measure, a clasp pouch/purse, iron-on thread, perle cotton #5 & #8, eyelash yarn (43 yds), silicone muffin pan (for beads.. or muffins), net ribbon (6"wide on a spool), three individual yards of hand dyed Shibori ribbon, 200 3/8" sequins, and a hand stitched Mola fish lavender-sachet from the San Blas Islands, Panama.
Also, not in purple, a patriotic tin box with clear glass-headed pins in red, white, blue and yellow. 
So far there are about six yards of fabric in fat quarters, 1/2 yards and yards, plus some vintage calicoes from the 1980s.
I know that many of you live far, far away and I'm not asking you to ship stuff to me.  But for the readers in Southern California, especially those who belong to Surfside Quilters Guild, it would be a great help if you could fetch that purple/violet/lavender "stuff" to the October meeting to donate to this basket.
OR send me an e-mail or give me a call (I'm in the directory and on the website) and I will try to pick things up from your house.     
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Anonymous said...

Del, You are sooo ahead of the curve! Just this week Luanna Rubin from EQuilter wrote about the national color group conference she attends. She reported every international group and now her own group has devined Boyznberry (purple!) to be the next hottest color. Last year it was gerannium pink or some such pink. I think they ought to have you an their board. Sally Morris

Mary Korbulic said...

Hi - My friend is a fabric artist and follows your blog and suggested I visit. Great job! You are so prolific. I blog too, but get hung up on little stuff (like "it's not the right word"). Anyway, I enjoy your easy, breezy style.
My blog is called Ordinary Life. I see you have it listed as a blog you read! Thank you.
One day soon I hope to include "fabric art" in my life as I attempt to create a baby busy book for my one and only grand kid, age 16 months.
Mary Korbulic

Del said...

Thanks for the tip about Boyznberry - I hope to find some soon. But not soon enough for November Fest, I fear. S'okay, I will surely add some to my fabric library when I run across it.

Yes, Mary, I have been reading your Blog for a couple years. My all time favorite is your trip along the Oregon Coast,May 2010. I go back to look at the ocean and those astonishing rhodies! Thanks for the flattering comments.