Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Browsing + Road Trip 07-14-14

I have Monday Browsing to post, but my laptop won't let me into Word where I store the material.  The only one I can post is this one from Ami Simms newsletter.  Clever.
I am in Columbia, Missouri, tonight  and will drive on to Marion, IN, tomorrow.  I have to go through, or around, St Lois and Indianapolis (which requires an ice cream stop at Brewer's) so it will be a traffic-y day and probably a long one.  I had hoped to have a whole day of rest when I arrived in Marion, but since I left late I don't have that luxury.  We'll see what transpires. 
A view of downtown Kansas City, Missouri from I-70.
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1 comment:

Quiltedtime said...

Definitely stop for ice cream, and have a come for me. Happy travels!